THE Voice for Black Indie Authors.
Feb. 12, 2020

Putting Pen to Paper: Book Chat with Author Eric Raymond

Putting Pen to Paper: Book Chat with Author Eric Raymond

Audra Russell chats with author Eric Raymond, creator of the sci-fi series, Syndicate 6ix.

Eric Raymond started writing at a young age, and continues to stretch his imagination to its limits to this day. He is a graduate of Auburn University, Montgomery, and spends his days laboring away at a keyboard to share his stories with the world. 

In this episode we chat about the inspiration behind Syndicate 6ix, his young adult novel, Life of a Leo, and the author who inspires him most (Harry Potter, anyone?). Eric also shares some valuable information about self publishing for all my fellow emerging authors out there.

So grab your favorite beverage, get cozy, and enjoy!

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